Life Reading

A full and comprehensive Numerology Reading.

Every reading is fascinatingly unique, directed by your intention and always coming alive in some unexpected way as we journey towards a new dawn of insight. We will be calculating your life’s purpose number, the phases of your life, your yearly cycles and possibly some more. This reading will cover your past, present and future, your strengths, challenges and tools. Any questions or decisions you would like to discuss as well as whatever treats come out in the process.

~ The exchange for any reading currently is~

$120 ~1hr $165 ~ 1.5hr $200 ~ 2hrs

We are not to-the-minute clock watchers, we allow each reading its necessary breadth to best serve you.



Consultation of a specific question through looking at your chart as a whole.


A one year reading for returning costumers. Refreshing your orientation and exploring your year to come. Perfect for birthdays.


A Partnership reading. Here we will look at two people’s numbers, touching on them individually as well as compatibly.

Taking Action

If you wish to take a holistic approach and combine Numerology with either Herbalism or Professional Organizing.

35% off your reading.


A series of readings or classes tailored to you if you want to take a deeper dive into what understandings Numerology has to offer to your life or if you want to learn the basics in order to continue to observe the modality within yourself through time.

If you are interested in an Apprenticeship where you can start to give readings to others or are looking to set up a Group workshop, please contact us.

Gift certificates available.

We are all worthy of little help to see